05. Planar Tensegrity Wheel

from time import time
from math import pi
from math import cos
from math import sin
from math import fabs

import numpy as np

from compas.utilities import pairwise

from compas_cem.diagrams import TopologyDiagram

from compas_cem.elements import Node
from compas_cem.elements import DeviationEdge

from compas_cem.supports import NodeSupport

from compas_cem.equilibrium import static_equilibrium

from compas_cem.optimization import Optimizer

from compas_cem.optimization import TrailEdgeForceConstraint
from compas_cem.optimization import DeviationEdgeParameter

from compas_cem.plotters import FormPlotter
from compas_cem.plotters import TopologyPlotter

diameter = 1.0
num_steps = 24  # only even numbers
appendix_length = 0.10
force = 1.0
tension_force = +force
compression_force = -force
bound = 2.0

plot_text_nodes = False
plot_text_edges = False

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Topology Diagram
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

assert num_steps % 2 == 0

# create a topology diagram
topology = TopologyDiagram()

# create nodes, removing last
thetas = np.linspace(0.0, 2*pi, num_steps + 1)[:-1]
radius = diameter / 2.0

for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):

    x = radius * cos(theta)
    y = radius * sin(theta)

    # nodes in the wheel
    topology.add_node(Node(i, [x, y, 0.0]))

# deviation edges in the perimeter of the wheel tension
for u, v in pairwise(list(range(num_steps)) + [0]):
    topology.add_edge(DeviationEdge(u, v, force=tension_force))

# internal deviation edges are in compression
half_num_steps = num_steps / 2.0

for u in range(int(half_num_steps)):
    v = int(u + half_num_steps)
    topology.add_edge(DeviationEdge(u, v, force=compression_force))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate trails and auxiliary trails
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

topology.auxiliary_trail_length = appendix_length

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Equilibrate internal forces
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

form = static_equilibrium(topology, eta=1e-6, tmax=100)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optimization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# create optimizer
optimizer = Optimizer()

# add constraints
for edge in topology.auxiliary_trail_edges():
    optimizer.add_constraint(TrailEdgeForceConstraint(edge, force=0.0))

# add optimization parameters
# the forces in all the deviation edges are allowed to fluctuate
for edge in topology.deviation_edges():
    # compression bounds
    low_bound, up_bound = (bound, force)
    # tension bounds
    if topology.edge_force(edge) > 0.0:
        low_bound, up_bound = (force, bound)

    optimizer.add_parameter(DeviationEdgeParameter(edge, low_bound, up_bound))

# optimize
start = time()
form = optimizer.solve_nlopt(topology, algorithm="LBFGS", iters=1000, eps=1e-6)

# print out results
print("Topology. # Nodes: {}, # Edges: {}".format(topology.number_of_nodes(),
print("Optimizer. # Parameters {}, # Constraints {}".format(optimizer.number_of_parameters(),
print("Elapsed time: {}".format(time() - start))

# the following values should be lower or equal to eps
print("Value of the objective function: {}".format(optimizer.penalty))
print("Norm of the gradient of the objective function: {}".format(optimizer.gradient_norm))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot topology
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plotter = TopologyPlotter(topology, figsize=(16, 9))



# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot Form
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plotter = FormPlotter(form, figsize=(16, 9))

keys = list(topology.origin_nodes())
plotter.draw_nodes(radius=0.01, keys=keys)

# plot only edges with a force larger than 0.001
keys = [edge for edge in form.edges() if fabs(form.edge_force(edge)) > 0.001]
